The Best Police Unit, Pride of West Java Region : CODASHOP

Get to know the best Units, Teams and Latest Java Police Chiefs


Discussing the regional police of west Java , it certainly cannot be separated from civilization in service but steadfast in eliminating injustice. This is due to the philosophy of Sundanese people where it is still near nature so that it remains calm and calm. But when on duty, he’s always respected by people because he’s steadfast.


Now there is actually a new police chief counted as a substitute for the old caused by something special. We can discuss many things about the Regional Police Of West Java including all the best units proudly until there is a well-known patrol team until it enters the Indonesian national television.


Who is the latest Java police chief today?


If you don’t know who the real leader of the Provincial Police West Java is, then the answer is Irjen Ahmad Dofiri. He was indeed appointed as a replacement for Irjen Rudy Sufahria where he was removed from the arena that he did not comply with the latest health protocols. This is related to the return of one of the scholars to Indonesia.


The new java police chief himself still includes those of Cimahi where he grew up and got an education there. Irjen Ahmad Dofiri, born 4 June 1967, died june 3. This family became encouraged to be better policemen.


At the beginning of the career of Irjen Ahmad Dofiri himself began when he entered Tangerang Police Station in 2005 where he immediately occupied the position of Chief Jabpail HR of the Republic of Indonesia Police. And he continued at Bandung Police in 2007, at the time he began to have many more important roles for his unit.


In addition, the new Java police chief has actually entered Densus 88 so we do not need to doubt the quality A. Irjen Ahmad Dofiri had a hand in the country’s security from terrorism. Even wrote a book on the elimination of terrorist crimes in order to provide useful knowledge for the community.


The writing of the book is based on the personal experience of a Dofiris Irjen Ahmad who was previously the head of the Southeast Regional Police. The Sulawe region itself is famous for being quite risky regarding the world of terrorism, especially the Poso area and its surroundings. Therefore, Irjen Ahmad Dofiri made the bid to take a decision to fight to eradicate it.


The Best Police Unit, Pride of West Java Region


Currently in West Java, it is the same as other areas where it is equipped with complete police units or units, one of which is DVI. This unit has a function in identifying victims of natural disasters or crimes that have died. It is no different, namely that there is an inafisi in charge of fingerprinting the fingers.


 In addition, the west Java police chief also has a special role in the training of coastal and tourism police. Of course, as the name implies, it will be in charge of securing coastal areas and tourists. Mostly there are minor crimes such as theft or jambret. Another job is to help those who lose or lose track.


This is quite different from other units such as the U.N. and a greater task means as peacekeepers are sent to a state of war. Therefore, it becomes an honor if one of the west Java police members is elected as a U.N. officer. Even after returning home, they are often rewarded.


There is also Densus 88 that is working and eliminating all kinds of forms of terrorism in West Java and its environment. Of course preventing prevention is the best option that the unit always does. Especially considering that in Indonesia it is quite risky to be joined by terrorists, let alone hiding behind the guide to religion.


Next are the K-9s where they are very cool because they are equipped with dogs as officers. They can detect various important things like corpses for drugs. Finally, there is a no-less fresh ride unit where it’s useful to secure when there’s a demo or mass inserts.


Famous patrol team formed by Regional Police Of West Java


Besides being famous for their units, it turns out that many areas of West Java form their own patrol teams for safety reasons, one of which is the Jaguar Team. Jaguar itself was created and directed by Iptu Winam Agus as the leader and it turned out to be successful in securing all kinds of activities of community residents, especially in Depok and its surroundings.


Then certainly the west Java police chief appreciated their ability to secure their area. We can see for ourselves that Jaguar is able to reduce the crime rate through its actions through television programs. Indonesia are also calm if police are still able to guard their area so that there is no street crime yet.


Especially actually eliminating motorcycle gangs is indeed one of Jaguar’s targets, especially in south Jakarta. This is more or less similar to the Pradu team in Bandung, whose original goal was indeed to eliminate motorcycle gangs. Moreover, Bandung is at risk of a dispute between gangs due to its many associations.


In addition, Bandung made all good frequent arrivals until the legalization so that later many sides joined the Prabu team. Later, starting from the Street Crime Unit, through drugs from the West Java regional police , they will work together. The other team, namely Cobra from Bekasi, is in charge of keeping security with the command.


Bekasi itself is still a big city and consists of many associations of motorcycle or gang organizations. The result is to avoid terror crimes, crawling and gang motorcycles by means of patrol. Here the cobra team is still able to patrol nightly in sufficient numbers of personnel to curtail crimes that may occur.


How to report crime problems to the Regional Police


If you feel seeing or feel the crime in advance, you can report it directly to the nearest police headquarters. That’s the best step because usually though they’re reported to the call center and the Patrol team generally relates officially to the office. So everything will be more cared for.


Despite this, for the first action, in addition to reporting directly to the Java Regional Police Office , it can now be contacted through other channels such as call centers and social media. If you want to contact the call center then just call 110. That number is of course still active 24 hours.


Calling this call center is also free because it is a service for community residents. Later you can report everything, not just crime but accidents or riots to citizens, especially related to pulling or fighting, it must disrupt orders so we must immediately resolve it by calling the authorities.


Besides the call center, contact the office can be through social media, namely through the official Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account directly. But please note that not all police units are equipped with their own social media. So you have to know which accounts are real because there are often some fake accounts.


It is more recommended for you residents of West Java and its environment is always ready to have the official call center or social media number. Moreover, it makes you unable to contact related parties if a crime occurs either experienced alone or else.


Seeing how serious they are in serving the community, it’s not surprising that in the future it may be an example for other regions. Especially in the direct service system such as training of patrol teams in various regions. In addition, the Regional Police of West Java continue to improve themselves so that they remain better present as friends of the people.

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